


Mountain bikers push to ride through wilderness

By Kevin Proescholdt

“Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed…” —…

Denali Wilderness, Alaska, courtesy Wilderness Watch


Hunting is a valuable tool in managing lions

By Andrew Carpenter

Asking the public to decide if it’s a good idea to ban hunting mountain lions and bobcats is no way…

Mountain lion, courtesy Writers on the Range


Bobcats need protection, not killing for their pelts

By Ted Williams

Unlike the rest of modern wildlife management, killing bobcats is unregulated, driven not by science but by fur prices. We’re…

Bobcat caught in a trap, photo courtesy of Animal Wellness Action


In Wyoming, tormenting a wolf is not a big deal

By Wendy Keefover

It’s legal in Wyoming to chase coyotes and run over them with snowmobiles, but recently, a man used his snowmobile…


An invitation to play the climate-change game

By Pepper Trail

Let’s play a game, the climate-change game that every living thing on Earth has no choice but to play, starting…

Dead Horse State Park, Moab, Utah, Andres Haro, Unsplash


Freed wolves move into their old niche

By Clint McKnight

What was it like for 10 captured Oregon wolves when Colorado Parks and Wildlife opened their crates on a December…


a warning from the snowbirds

By Pepper Trail

No, this isn’t about those folks who spend their winters in Arizona or Florida. The snowbird behind this warning is…

Cristina Glebova; courtesy Unsplash


Outrage in Wyoming erupts over public land auction

By Savannah Rose

There’s a 640-acre parcel of magnificent, state-owned public land in Wyoming that’s set for auction unless the state changes its…

Pronghorn migrate through the Kelly Parcel, Wyoming, Courtesy Savannah Rose


What really affects hunting in the West

By Lesli Allison

A disgruntled hunter wrote a Writers on the Range opinion recently about Westerners getting fed up with the many out-of-staters…


The West has too many visiting hunters

By Andrew Carpenter

Hunting may be losing popularity nationally, but in the West the number of hunters is climbing. According to the U.S….

Dan Vigueria, Paonia, Colorado, Grizzly Longbows LLC


Are beavers always the answer? Not really

By Ted Williams

Beavers, through their assiduous dam building, can recharge groundwater and provide habitat for fish and wildlife. In the Pacific Northwest,…


Alaska needs to value its live bears

By Wendy Keefover

Grizzly bears in Alaska, called brown bears, that live around the town of Bethel, population 6,325, should have a good…

Grizzly bear on the beach, Alaska, USA


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