Volunteers power the Colorado Trail

By Dave Marston

The Colorado Trail, an iconic 567-mile high-elevation trail that crosses the Rockies, owes its existence largely to Gudy Gaskill, a…


40 years of living with wolves

By Ben Long

Biologist Diane K. Boyd has had a front-row seat to 40 years of wolf recovery in the West, but her…


Hikers in a wilderness turn into firefighters

By Zeke Lloyd

More frequent wildfires in the West can turn hiking through beautiful, high-elevation country into a dangerous game for hikers. In…

Abandoned Ranch buildings above a meadow of Deer Creek south of Anacanda, Montana. Picture taken in late July.


Go all-electric—and help change the world

By Auden Schendler

The company I work for recently built a new ticket office at the base of Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen, Colorado….

Photography | See More
Photograph by Fadil Fauzi, courtesy of Unsplash
AR-15 Free Float VLCN M-Lok Handguard + STNGR Axiom Red Dot Sight Photo by STNGR Industries on Unsplash
Mountain biker Celeste Young takes a break along the Big Hole Crest Trail in Idaho. 2022 image. Photo courtesy Molly Absolon

Focusing on natural resources and public lands in the West

Writers on the Range provides articles about the economic, cultural and legislative change taking place in the west with focus on natural resources and public lands. Broadly our topics are public lands, outdoor recreation, water and economic institutions serving the west.

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Help us support journalists and newspapers across the West. Writers on the Range provides editorial to Western newspapers in the intermountain west. Our topics include public lands, outdoor recreation, water and economic institutions serving the west. Our writers are westerners from 10 states with diverse opinions and insight. As a 501c3 corporation as defined and approved by the IRS, donations to Writers on the Range are tax deductible.

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I am so glad to hear that Writers on the Range is returning! I gladly used their content at a paper in Wyoming, and I would gratefully subscribe to it, especially as a free service. I love how it brings thoughtful commentary on topics of particular interest to our readers.

Trudy Balcom, Editor
White Mountain Independent, WMICentral.com

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