Time to get real about plastic recycling

By Karen Mockler

I’m a dedicated recycler. I fret when I see people throwing garbage in with soda cans and empty water bottles….


Los Angeles is a wake-up call for the West—especially Durango

By Dave Marston

After fierce winds whipped fire out of brush-covered hills on January 7, entire Los Angeles neighborhoods burned down. Within a…


Savoring the darkness in Alaska

By Tim Lydon

In my part of Alaska, not far from Anchorage, winter solstice is always a dark day, but not because of…

Northern lights Alaska, Image Tim Lydon


What westerners cared about in 2024

By Betsy Marston

Writers on the Range, an independent opinion service based in western Colorado, sent out close to 50 weekly opinion columns…

Photography | See More
Clouds over a windmill farm near Oakley, Kansas
This transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus particles give coronaviruses their name, crown-like.
Grand Tetons at the end of a Wyoming Road, photograph by Leslie Cross, courtesy of Unsplash

Focusing on natural resources and public lands in the West

Writers on the Range provides articles about the economic, cultural and legislative change taking place in the west with focus on natural resources and public lands. Broadly our topics are public lands, outdoor recreation, water and economic institutions serving the west.

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Writers on the Range needs your support

Help us support journalists and newspapers across the West. Writers on the Range provides editorial to Western newspapers in the intermountain west. Our topics include public lands, outdoor recreation, water and economic institutions serving the west. Our writers are westerners from 10 states with diverse opinions and insight. As a 501c3 corporation as defined and approved by the IRS, donations to Writers on the Range are tax deductible.

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Writers and photographers wanted

We are looking for diverse writers, writers of color, women and young people. The West needs diverse voices. Topics should be broad enough for Western Readers across our intermountain territory of Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. Our readers also care about the Great Plains and the eastern parts of California, Oregon, and Washington.

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What others are saying See More

Writers on the Range has been a godsend for the Las Vegas Sun, filling a critical need for columns on regional issues of importance to our community, to Southern Nevada and our entire state.

Although the Sun is well-served through contracts with the New York Times News Service and Tribune News Service, the columns we receive from those syndicates tend to focus mostly on national issues. That’s where Writers on the Range has been invaluable to us. The group’s focus on Western issues – water conservation, the drought and climate change, environmental protection for fragile desert areas and more – allow the Sun to provide its audience with content that illuminates and adds to the public dialogue
on policy.

The Sun strongly supports the group, and hope it continues to operate for years to come. 

Ric Anderson, Editorial Page Editor
Las Vegas Sun, Las Vegas, NV

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