
Rich Wandschneider

Rich has written for the Oregonian, High Country News, Portland Magazine, and High Desert Journal and contributed a regular column to theWallowa County Chieftain. He currently serves as the director of the Josephy Library of Western History and Culture in Joseph, Oregon


How did so much stuff pile up?

By Rich Wandschneider

A few years ago, I turned a carport into a bedroom. But first I had to empty out the books,…

Adam Winger, Unsplash, Logan Utah


A Mixed-up-Family Becomes an American Family

By Rich Wandschneider

““How’s being black?” wrote a classmate in my grandson’s yearbook. “

Photograph by Omar Lopez, courtesy of Unsplash


We Either Lie About Them or Omit Them

By Rich Wandschneider

And, according to Indian friends, there are strong tribal memories of the devastating 1918 flu

Photograph by Taylor Ruecker, courtesy of Unsplash


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